Wednesday, June 11, 2008

for the good times - june 11 / 7:39am

so its been just short of two weeks i think. several people have asked about the blog...whether it is over, why im not writing, etc. well i knew in the beginning that keeping up would be a challenge. i rarely have the time it takes to be consistent with things like this. but its been fun. much has happened since last posting. my eating habits have been up and down. BUT, i have maintained my healthy way of eating. i just added some treats in here and there. i make sure to get my raw veggies and fruits, whereas before i was not doing that. i missed all last week of boot camp. i just lost the fire for it. BUT i still maintained my own personal workout, most days twice a day. i would run at least 2 miles and brisk walk from 4-6. sometimes i did my push/sit ups and sometimes i did not.

some days the 545 just didnt work for me because i dont have the traditional job so it got to where i didnt feel it was purposeful for me to go so early when i didnt have to. however i had to remind myself that i signed up for that time for the group support. a couple of times i went to sandi's 830 class instead. BUT today i was back at my 545 class and this is friends and family week so we had 3 guests with us. pretty kool!

one thing that should be known about me is that my attention shifts like the wind. and wherever my attention is, it is there 200%. so my life has shifted some which has pulled me away from here. i have moved on to my focus for the month of june - ORGANIZING. this is quite an undertaking, as my stuff is between boxes, bins and storage units. i am spread out and disorganized from my move and it is hell trying to get caught up. i feel like i have years of stuff on top of me and it is quite discouraging i might add. BUT one step at a time.

so this blog comes because boot camp ends on friday!!!! that means i need to do the last 3 days of blogging so that i can properly cross the finish line.

todays workout was extensive. i was actually dripping with sweat - YAYYYYYYYY!! i love to sweat during workout. it makes me feel like i am really doing something. i had beads of sweat dripping down my nose and mouth. that was a first so i felt like some sort of athletic champion - LOL!!!!

BREAKFAST: bowl of cereal (vanilla almond special k mixed with ezekiel 4:9 cinnamon raisin) with organic soy milk, 1/2 banana and water.

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i am about to rest up and then get back to organizing for the day. i am determined that when june ends, so does my mountain of stuff. i am so looking forward to that. i cant imagine the day, but lord knows i am looking forward to it.

oh by the way - i dug out the old juicer and began juicing yesterday. yum. yesterday evening was carrot, celery and apple. quite tasty for something so healthy. i will do green veggie with my snack and try to drink plenty throughout the day.

well enjoy the day!

1 comment:

dellgirl said...

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